Sunday, October 03, 2010

All of the romance of an Irish curse

I didn't get this posted until tonight; it is from Sept. 27th. I don't make these titles up, I promise. Of course you all know Chaela, so why am I trying to explain myself?! :) She's the best! jewels

Hello from the Arnold branch of the Jefferson County Library System.

We had a great week! The apartment is now furnished, which is awesome. We have a baptism coming up, which is awesome. We get to go downtown with Brandy Kraemer today, which is awesome. And I'm getting a new niece today, which is awesome! Congratulations Chad and Erin! Wish I could be there. But I'm here.

Arnold Missouri is a lovely little place.

We had a very productive week. It feels good to be a missionary. Sister McCready and I had a [feline] 3rd companion while tracting. That was funny. We spent our Sunday evening taking down wallpaper at the Fenton elders' investigator's house. She's German, so obviously that was a trip.

The older I get, the more I's the little things.

Not much time today, just try not to be awe-struck by the many frustrations of life. Be more easily mobilized for eternal causes and less easily immobilized by the disappointments of the day. Make fewer demands of life. Be less easily disappointed. Be less concerned with entitlements. Be more concerned with assignments.
[Neal A. Maxwell; Meekly Drenched in Destiny]

My mission is 1/3 over. How far over is your mission? Have you made a difference? Keep becoming, seek joy, and realize that WWJD is more than just a bracelet. It's a way of life.
Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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