Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Something You'd be Good At

Dear friends,

Shalom, Hello, What's up.

Things here in Arnold are great! Sister McCready and I found out that neither of us are being transferred so we'll both be here for at least another 6 weeks. What a relief, I'm getting sick of moving!

We are trying now to increase our teaching pool. Finding, finding, finding. Always be teaching and listening with those you know who are not members. Listen for concerns, for questions, for quiet pleas. They are there. When a member refers a friend, the chance of that person's baptism and retention sky-rocket. And baptism and retention aren't for numbers. They are for salvation and exaltation in the kingdom of God.

Our most progressing investigator, Laura, is being baptized this coming Sunday at 6 pm! Exciting times! This will be my second baptism wherein I have taught the person from the beginning. I love seeing the change and the trust that develop when people are learning to rely on God. We have had the most difficult time setting this date! But Sunday will most definitely work out and we can not wait. The ward is really doing a great job fellow-shipping Laura and helping her feel welcome. There is not greater happiness than this, I feel.

"If your bible is falling apart, chances are your life isn't." One of our investigators shared that with us this week. There are many sayings that I find to be trite or unnecessary, but this is one that I have been constantly thinking about. If the living room carpet where you have family prayer is wearing out, chances are your family isn't. If your Family Home Evening chart is getting brittle, chances are your family isn't.

I've been offering more and more to teach people how to hold a Family Home Evening. Do you know how essential this program is? I see it. Daily. I go into the homes of so many members. I know what works and what doesn't. I can sense the insincerity or the earnest seekers. I can feel what is happening in that home, even when we're not there. It is abundantly clear that the family that prays together, counsels together, and plays together, stays together. Forever.
Time is running out! Today and in my mission! Let's work hard and remember Acts 5:29.

Be good my dear friends.
Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald

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