Monday, November 15, 2010

Misinformed about the time...

Many good things are happening!

I guess you want me to tell you about it.

I'll tell you one.

We got a new investigator! And he is AWESOME. When I told our ward mission leader about it he said "you think every investigator is awesome." Is that a problem?

Maybe. Sometimes I love these people so much that I have to catch myself before I try to shove a testimony down their throats. Free will. what an overwhelmingly binding responsibility.

At any rate, another good thing! I'm not being transferred! I will stay in Arnold for the Holiday season. What a blessing (more for me than for them I'm sure). I love this ward, I love these people. And I get to keep trying, work harder, and help build God's kingdom in the townships of Arnold, Imperial, Barnhart and Fenton. Small places, big possibilities.

Sister McCready is not being transferred either! What a blessing. We get one more transfer together! We are going to get a Christmas tree today.

I never expected to fall in love with the Book of Mormon like I have. What a divine gift. What a marvelous work. What a wonder.

The Book of Mormon is the crux.

Would you like to believe that you can live with your family forever? Would you like to believe that those who have died without a knowledge of God are not lost? Would you like to believe that God has not forgotten about you? That His love transcends time? That miracles still happen? Would you like to believe that you are actually a child of God, that you matter, that there is help?

You can. The Book of Mormon is the crux. When you come to know that this book is truly the word of God written by the hands of His holy prophets, you can know all of those things and so much more. You can let go of worry, let go of stress. Stress and worry are evidence that you don't trust God. And what is trust but complete Faith?

Let us pontificate further on another occasion. In the meantime, don't grow weary of men and things. Continue steadfastly, with a perfect brightness of hope. Have love for God and all mankind. Give love to God and all mankind. 'Tis the season, you know.

Peace and Love from far away,
Sister Mcdonald

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