Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It takes courage to wait.

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Happy Thanksgiving!

What am I grateful for?
-the gospel
-my family
-the Arnold ward
-my black name tag
-my friends
-the temple
-Public Libraries
-the Scriptures!
-my education
-the future
-the past
-right now
-the earth
-the internet
-my mission president and his wife.

And many other things.

We are going to start a chain of thanks tonight. The classic construction paper, staple kind. How long can you make yours?

This week was great. Next week will be even better.

My understanding of Faith is growing.

Elder Bednar is becoming one of my favorites; "There is power in the precision of scriptural language." I got to meet him yesterday at a missionary conference here.

Arnold is getting a Wendy's!

What more could a girl want?

Peace and Love,
Sister Mcdonald


families are forever said...

We are thankful for Sister McDonald, thanks for the posts!

jewels said...

Both Sister McDonald's thank you and wish you a wonderful holiday season!